Tips for CyBio® FeliX

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CyBio® FeliX is using CyBio® RoboTipTrays for highly parallel pipetting in 96-, 384- and 1536-well format, as well as CyBio® TipBoxes for flexible pipetting in single wells or columns and rows.

  • CyBio® RoboTipTrays offer High Troughput Screening proven Tip Sealing Technology
  • Several tip types with and without filter cover a volume range from 0.5 µl to 1000 µl
  • Customer-specifically racked CyBio® RoboTipTrays allow for excluding certain columns or rows of tips from the pipetting process



CyBio® RoboTipTrays

  • For highly parallel pipetting in 96-, 384- and 1536-well format
  • For CyBio® FeliX Heads R 96 and 384
  • High Troughput Screening proven Tip Sealing Technology

CyBio® TipBoxes

  • For flexible pipetting in tubes, in single wells or columns or rows in 96- and 384-well format
  • For SELECTTM Head and CHOICETM Head and CyBio® FeliX Heads R with Liquid Handling Adapters

Technical Data

CyBio® RoboTipTraysCyBio® TipBoxes
CompatibilityCyBio® FeliX Heads R 96 and 384CyBio® FeliX Heads R 96 and 384 with Liquid Handling Adapters

CHOICETM Head with Liquid Handling Adapters SELECTTM Head
Tip Type250 μl DW
60 μl
40 μl
250 μl
50 μl
20 μl
Tip Format96

PCR-certified, pre-sterilized

PCR-certified, pre-sterilized, filter

PCR-certified, pre-sterilized, filter


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