
New: PME Kits Also Available for Automated Extraction

26.09.2014 | Exclusive News

In order to further facilitate your work we have elevated two of our PME Kits to the next level: they are available as version for automated extraction on the InnuPure® C16 now!

PME free-circulating DNA Kit-IPC16
The novel und unique Polymer Mediated Enrichment (PME) technology enables an easyfficient recovery of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) from larger starting volumes of up to 5 ml of serum or plasma and up to 10 ml of urine. The polymer/cfDNA complex obtained after centrifugation is transferred to the InnuPure® C16 for automated extraction. Enrichment and extraction of maximum starting volume just takes 1.5 hours until completion.
Product website

innuCONVERT Bisulfite Purification Kit-IPC16
Non-methylated cytosines of DNA samples are highly efficiently converted to uracil by bisulfite treatment in just 45 minutes at constant temperature in a dry block, for example. After this incubation, the treated DNA is desulfonated and isolated using the InnuPure® C16 within 40 minutes. Up to 16 DNA samples are ready for downstream applications within approx. 1.5 hours only!
Product website


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